In Toronto!

My new view when I wake up in the morning!

Hi lovelies! Just wanted to give you a heads up that I’ve landed safe and sound here in Toronto (granted, it was after a terrifying flight and an almost equally terrifying cab ride to our place) and we’re just getting settled today. We were so exhausted yesterday that all we really managed to do was unpack and get lunch (which ended up being our dinner too), so today we’re doing a big walk around and as usual, I’m sure I’ll be quite snap-happy so expect a post in the next day or two!

One of my first sights as I came into the city!

I’ll be up and running on a more consistent schedule soon, can’t wait to finally be entirely settled!
Hope you all have an incredible Friday!

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  1. 5.11.12
    Leah said:

    You moved to Toronto!? Wow I missed a lot while I was gone. Welcome to our city! We should put together a blogger night and you can get to some of us here 🙂

  2. 5.11.12

    have a great time in Toronto, it is such a wonderful city!!

  3. 5.11.12

    I love Toronto, I had the best time when I was there!


  4. 5.11.12

    Glad to hear you got there safe and sound!! This is such an exciting opportunity for you 😀

  5. 5.11.12

    Have a wonderful time! Toronto is a great city.

  6. 5.11.12

    I'm excited for you to get settled in! I know you are going to have so many adventures and wonderful stories and photos!

  7. 5.11.12

    Yay! So exciting! Can't wait for more updates!

  8. 5.11.12
    Sam said:

    Hi dear, good to have you back…wishing you all the best with settling in Toronto!

  9. 5.11.12
    Jenny said:

    Welcome to Toronto! I moved here about 6 years ago and have loved every moment!

  10. 5.11.12
    Alison said:

    Such a great view from your place! I hope you settle in nicely 🙂

  11. 5.11.12

    What an incredible view! Hope things are going wonderful!! xx Pam

  12. 5.11.12
    Julye said:

    have a lot of fun 😉

  13. 5.11.12
    Cee said:

    Welcome to your new home, pally! I can't wait to hear so much more about it, but before you get back to blogging, take some time to really get to know your new home – you've earned it 🙂

  14. 5.11.12

    So excited for you and this incredible new journey you're on. You more than deserve it! Can't wait to hear more XO

  15. 5.12.12
    Well... said:

    Oooh, so exciting!
    Can't wait to hear more once you've settled in 🙂

    Trendy Teal

  16. 5.12.12
    Naghmeh said:

    you've moved to Toronto??!! That's exciting, hopefully you'll love our City 😉

  17. 5.12.12
    amuseume said:

    Hope the big move has been safe and smooth! Your Hawaii vacation pictures look amazingly fun and relaxed; I'm insanely jealous. That warning about the coconuts has to be the best sign ever.


  18. 5.12.12
    alexand said:

    It's really a beautiful city.

  19. 5.12.12
    yiqin; said:

    omg so nice <3

  20. 5.12.12
    Jules M said:

    How exciting! New beginnings 🙂

  21. 5.12.12
    Annie said:

    you heve so pretty and inspirating pics here!!

  22. 5.12.12
    Annie said:

    ahh you have so pretty and inspirating pics here!!

  23. 5.12.12

    yahhhhhhhhhhhh! what a great report lovie. wishing you happy nesting in T-Dot and can't wait to hear ALL about this latest adventure. thinking of you every day and wishing you much lucks, blessings and horseshoe halos!!!! xo ♥

  24. 5.13.12

    Happy that you're safe and sound! Looking forward to more posts 🙂

  25. 5.13.12

    Great to hear you arrived safely! Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
    Suzi x
    For the Love of Audrey

  26. 5.13.12

    Beautiful views! Hope you have an amazing time 🙂

  27. 5.13.12

    I love the 1st photo!


  28. 5.14.12
    Megan said:

    How exciting! That view is spectacular 🙂

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