Prepping For Summer

I have a confession to make. I have two great fears in life: an inexplicable, but severe, fear of falling down stairs and… waxing. It all stems from one particular at-home experience when I first decided to just give waxing a try. I was away at university and bought this little at-home kit that ended up binding to the skin on my leg and I had to use almost an entire bottle of olive oil to finally pry it off. Needless to say, I wasn’t eager to try waxing again anytime soon.
For years I managed to steer clear of any other waxing debacles and stuck to shaving, which may be slightly less traumatizing for the weak-nerved among us but is not nearly as effective. I had an opportunity recently to try Veet EasyWax Electrical Roll-On and found myself oddly intrigued. The easy-to-use kit was far from the bare-bones kit I’d used in my bad experience years ago. You simply plug the unit in for about 20 minutes and it self-heats on its own – very muss-free. You then just glide it over your leg, put a strip on, et voilà. Hair begone. Not only was it beyond simple to use, but it felt amazing – the self-heating beeswax formula and post-wax wipes were completely gentle on my sensitive skin and to my surprise and delight, the whole process was the exact opposite of my horrifying painful experience years ago…it was virtually pain-free. Also, it’s been over five days and so far…nothing!
I’m such a summer person, so I’m happy to finally be getting friendly with waxing; it makes getting summer-ready that much easier and keeps maintenance at a minimum!

Veet EasyWax Electrical Roll-On is a professional-quality wax hair removal system.  Just plug it in and the wax stays heated at the perfect temperature. It’s so easy to use. The roll-on applicator makes it easy to apply the wax in a thin and even layer every time with no mess. 
Disclosure: This post was brought to you by Veet via Glam Media Canada.  The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Veet.

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  1. 6.3.13
    Manda said:

    OoO! Thanks for sharing this- I've never tried waxing my legs- but yours look amazing!! 🙂

    …I'm so not ready for Summer! I'm a Fall kinda gal. 🙂

    Manda from Eat Cake

  2. 6.3.13
    Alissa said:

    I haven't ever tried to wax my legs myself. I broke out one time when I was trying to use a different type of remover before. I should check this out!

  3. 6.3.13

    I've never tried waxing my legs — it seems to painful! But I will def check this out! xo

  4. 6.3.13

    I always feel like one day I will fall down the staircase in our house and then i keep telling myself, don't think of that, don't think of that – for the fear of it coming true especially because I am a very clumsy person! far as waxing goes, I have never tried it and I guess I am lucky enough that I don't have to ever because it just sounds so scary because I am extremely hairless on my legs. I probably shave only about 4-6 times a year! 😀

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