Flare for the Dramatic

how to wear flared denimHappy almost-Friday! Happy to get back to posting after a bit of radio silence—I don’t know why, but this week I’ve just been really, really tired. I honestly have no idea why—still kicking this bug I had a couple weeks ago maybe? Whatever the reason, I thought it wouldn’t be such a bad call to just take some time off. I feel like none of us ever really do, and I definitely see it with those closest to me—my parents are both high-achieving professionals, my partner’s often working the midnight oil and my siblings are studying around the clock. And I’m pretty much the worst offender, which makes sense since digital media is my thang.

Chambray top, flared denim, wool hat, leather tote. Canadian tuxedo outfit idea How to wear denim on denim Flared denim outfit idea Casual seventies style in flared jeansBut while I would never want to become a lazy, unproductive sloth (despite sloths being super cute), I do think sometimes just letting yourself off the hook and truly taking time off helps you out productivity-wise in the long run. It’s like getting proper amounts of sleep—it takes a couple extra hours out of your day, but your body needs that proper recharge in order to be at its best.

So on that note, if you’re feeling rundown, head home sick from work or on vacay, read on! Here are a few tips to take time off guilt-free.

Like I mentioned, remember that it’s going to do you more good to really rest, relax and reset than to let guilt override it.

BUT if you know guilt will likely ensue if you’re not used to taking time off, give yourself a time cap (unless you’re sick, in which case, just…rest!). Give yourself a few days off and really and truly take them off but know that you’re getting back to work full-steam after your time cap’s up.

Treat it like a retreat! I get bored easily so while I love to relax and unwind, I can’t just have long stretches of time unfilled—I’ll actually get antsy and stressed. Make your time off kind of productive, if that doesn’t seem counterproductive enough. Head to yoga, read a book, clear out some time to go for a walk, play guitar, etc.

Anyway, happy to be back at it now but more than anything, happy to feel rested and recharged—just in time for the weekend! Hope you guys have a good last couple of days here in the week but more than anything, that you get the time off you deserve this weekend!

Photos by Alicia Fashionista


Jeans c/o Mavi, hat c/o Express, Joie heels, bag c/o Madewell, Old Navy top

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  1. 5.19.16
    Elise said:

    Simple and chic!! Love your heels!

    xx, Elise

  2. 5.19.16
    Ashley said:

    This is a great post! After a stress filled and hectic schedule this semester, graduation came as a relief. Now that I am home I’m taking the break to do everything that went to the back burner these last few months (reading and exercising!)

    Ashley | Sunday Brunch

  3. 5.21.16
To Vogue or Bust